The bridge over the Chapora River makes
this journey about 40 minutes from Arpora. We visited Morjim twice,
once as high tide approached and later about 2 hours after high tide.
breakfast under the shade of palm trees on our first visit we watched
a mixed flock of 200/300 plovers, mainly Lesser Sand Plover and Kentish
Plover but with a respectable number of Greater Sand Plover. Amongst
the flock we were also lucky enough to find a wintering Caspian Plover.
Gulls were numerous on both visits with c150 Pallas’s Gull making
a tremendous spectacle. A few terns were present on both visits with
Great Crested being difficult to pick out among the more numerous
Lesser Crested. Across the road from the beach is an area of scrub with
a Black-crowned Night Heron roost in the large tree at its centre. Lloyd
also showed us two Spotted Owlet roosting nearby. On our second visit,
whilst having breakfast Pat spotted a large warbler working the trees
at the roadside for insects. He had found our only Clamorous Warbler
of the trip. The second visit also yielded our first Brahminy Starling,
Grey-breasted Prinia and Black-shouldered Kite to give a total of 58
species for the two visits.
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